How to make a Caesar sushi roll. Step-by-step recipe. Photo

Як приготувати суші рол Цезар. Покроковий рецепт. Фото

You can make sushi rolls with almost anything. And although the name of the dish “Caesar” may be associated with a salad, but we want to invite you to cook it like a sushi roll.

I wonder if any of you managed to try the Caesar salad in its original form? Indeed, over time, the classic recipe has undergone changes and additions. That is why today there are different recipes for Caesar. But skillful gourmets went further and, with the lightning-fast development of Japanese cuisine, began to improvise. As a result, many interesting options for making Caesar rolls have appeared.

We provide you with one of the simple, but very tasty, recipes for how to cook Caesar sushi roll at home with affordable products.

Read it

How to cook rice for sushi rolls
  1. For a delicious Caesar roll, prepare the necessary ingredients.
    – Finely grate the parmesan cheese.
    – Cut into strips some romaine cabbage (can be replaced with iceberg or Beijing) and a tomato, before removing the seeds.
    – You also need to cut the fried chicken breast into slices.
    – Prepare boiled seasoned rice.
    (The first photo shows the number of ingredients for one roll).
  2. Spread 120 g of rice on half a sheet of nori.
  3. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Press down with a mat and turn over.
  4. Lay out the filling: cheese, chicken, tomatoes and lettuce.
  5. Twist the roll to make it beautiful.
  6. Take a board and cut into eight pieces.

Enjoy your meal!